Show Recordings

These will be available on DVD/Memory Stick and will cost £13.50 each
To order your copy, please email or speak to Nigel at rehearsal.

The Diary of Horace Wimp
These will be available on DVD/Memory Stick and are currently in production and will be available for collection soon.
For those of you that pre-ordered this recording and paid the £2.00 deposit, we have subsidised the cost to keep it at £10.00 so you only owe a further £8.00 which can be paid on collection.

Previous Shows
We have some recordings of previous shows available at £10.00 each, 2 for £15.00 or 3 for £20.00. Speak to Nigel to purchase your copy.
Shows available:
Robin Hood - January 2014
Echo Beach - July 2014
Rose White and the Magic Mirror - January 2015
Return to the Forbidden Planet - July 2015
Mother Goose - January 2016
Dick Whittington - January 2018
Cinderella - January 2022
Puss in Cowboy Boots - January 2023
Bugsy Malone - July 2023
Once Upon A Dream - January 2024

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